Sicavs e

SICAVS With AUM over 320 million euros, SOANDRES DE ACTIVOS has generated more than 100 million profit since its creation, offering an average annual return of 4% in the last seven years. BREIXO DE INVERSIONES, managing over 200 million euros, has been the first IICIICIL created in Spain. < Us Real State Inditex >

Denodo e

DENODO TECHNOLOGIES Investment in Denodo Technologies, enabling its international expansion and the beginning of its operations in Silicon Valley (California). Sale of the participacion in 2017 getting a 2 times multiple. < Riofisa German Real State >


GERMAN REAL STATE PORTFOLIO Creation of an office buildings portolio en Germany and Austria, with a market value over 250 million euros. Asset rotation has generated capital gains over 50 million euros in the last four years. < Denodo Technologies Bvlgari London >


US REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO Creation of a real estate portfolio in the United States, with a value above 600 million USD. Amongst other assets, includes the Standard Miami, the Standard Hollywood and the Standard Downtown LA hotels, the Garden Court hotel in Palo Alto or the Grace hotel in New York. Also includes office buildings…